VIREX CBD540557 All Purpose Disinfectant Cleaner

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $15.00.

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SKU: SOUK4JK74 Category:


  • For use on hard, inanimate, nonporous surfaces such as floors, walls, porcelain, and plastic surfaces in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, colleges and hotels
  • Provides broad spectrum kill of microorganisms including hbv, hiv-1, vre, mrsa, grsa, mrse, visa, prsp, herpes simplex types 1&2, influenza type A2, rotavirus and many more. EPA Registered 1839-83-70627
  • One-step quaternary disinfectants cleaner and deodorant to clean and disinfect hard surfaces in hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities. Fresh Lemon Scent.
  • Kills the organisms that cause odors and works as an odor counteractant to further eliminate odors not associated with bacteria
  • Meets osha’s bloodborne pathogen standards for HPB and HIV


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